Thursday, October 7, 2010

Configure and install geotools to my new laptop from beginning

I recently found out these things about maven and Geotools

The GeoTools development community uses the build tool Maven which is integrated into the latest releases of NetBeans.

The advantages of using Maven are:

  • You only download as much of GeoTools as your application requires Jars are downloaded to a single location in your home directory (in a hidden folder called .m2/repository)
  • Source code and javadocs are automatically downloaded and hooked up

Although Maven is a build tool it works by describing the contents of a project. This is a different approach then used by the Make or Ant tools which list the steps required to build.

what is a POM file

Part of the description of a project is the required jars and a repository on the internet where they can be downloaded from. We will be using these facilities to bring GeoTools jars as needed into our project.

The pom.xml file is used to describe the care and feeding of your maven project; we are going to focus on the dependencies needed for your project

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Jody\.m2\repository
Windows: C:\Users\Jody\.m2\repository
Linux and Mac: ~/.m2/repository

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