Thursday, October 7, 2010

finally some thing to work with

Bernhard Kastner wrote:

> 1. How do I get the world-coordinates when clicking with the mouse?
> When adding a normal MouseListener, it only returns the coordinates on
> the screen, but I would like to know the position on the map.

Using org.geotools.renderer.j2d.GeoMouseEvent.getMapCoordinate();

> 2. How do I change the behaviour of the mouse on a map? When clicking
> and draging the mouse, it generates a zoom-pane with the selected
> area. I want to change this behaviour to pan the map. So, when moving
> the mouse, the map also moves, but doesn't zoom or anything else. Is
> this possible?
> And another question: As already mentioned, I'm using the methods as
> in the Spearfish Sample, which uses J2D-renderer. I experienced
> OutOfMemoryExceptions when dealing with larger shapefiles (3x 30 MB).
> Is there a possibility to avoid that?

I would still appreciate some suggestions ;)


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